By Kat Nguyen

I've recently taken the official plunge into launching my photography business, and along the way, I've come to realize that many people in my network (myself included in the past) are often unfamiliar with the intricacies of registering a business in the state of Michigan. While it may seem straightforward to some, this process can prove perplexing and daunting for those without ready access to comprehensive information beyond a simple Google search. Therefore, I've taken it upon myself to compile this post with the aim of offering assistance to fellow aspiring entrepreneurs.

First and foremost, as a Michigan resident venturing into the world of business, you have access to a wealth of valuable, no-cost resources. A prime example, one I personally benefited from, is the Michigan SBDC (Small Business Development Center). This organization receives state funding, allowing them to offer their consulting services completely free of charge. Should you find that this blog post doesn't quite satisfy your information needs, I wholeheartedly recommend scheduling a consultation with one of their knowledgeable representatives for more comprehensive guidance.

The next crucial step on your entrepreneurial journey is to file for your LLC through the Michigan LARA (Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs). Their website is extensive and can quickly become confusing. To simplify matters, I've included a direct link to the login page you need right here. Once you've set up your login credentials, the website will guide you through the remaining steps.

Subsequently, you'll need to secure an EIN (Employer Identification Number). This essential identifier enables you to open a dedicated business bank account and fulfill your quarterly tax obligations. You can conveniently access the application page directly by clicking here.

As your business starts generating revenue, it's crucial to maintain balanced books and diligently track your financials for tax season. I personally utilize a comprehensive spreadsheet template from Amy Northard, CPA, which she generously offers for free. You can gain access to this invaluable resource by subscribing to her mailing list with your email, the link to her blog post with the spreadsheet download can be found here. Rest assured, the insights provided by this spreadsheet are well worth the subscription.

Lastly, if you intend to establish an online presence for your business, I highly recommend the versatile Pixieset platform. Pixieset serves not only as a website builder but also as a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and client gallery platform. Its user-friendly interface simplifies website creation and facilitates seamless communication with your customers. They offer a robust free plan, providing a wealth of features. However, if you're inclined to invest in their services, I suggest considering the starter plan for the complete Pixieset Suite. As an up-and-coming business owner, I've found it to be a highly beneficial choice. For detailed pricing information, please refer to their pricing page here.

**I want to clarify that I have not received any compensation from the services or individuals mentioned earlier. I maintain no direct affiliations with them; my endorsement and utilization of their products and services stem purely from my genuine appreciation for their quality. I want to make it clear that I do not assert ownership over any of the resources or products linked above.

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